Wunsch Gallery tuvo el placer de ser parte de VOLTA ART FAIR BASEL 2022.
Las obras seleccionadas para la feria de arte VOLTA estuvieron compuestas por las obras de Daniel Juarez, cuya obra se compone de imágenes poéticamente pornográficas y de estética queer, en diálogo con la obra de Los Picoletos, dúo conformado por los artistas argentinos Fabro Tranchida y Dante Litvak, colectivo que investiga y registra diferentes movimientos de jóvenes disidentes del underground.
Wunsch Gallery was pleased to be part of VOLTA ART FAIR BASEL 2022.
The works selected for the VOLTA Art Fair were composed of Daniel Juarez's artworks, which is composed of poetic pornographic images and queer aesthetics, in dialogue with Los Picoletos artwork, a duo made up of the Argentinian artists Fabro Tranchida and Dante Litvak, a collective that investigates and records different movements of dissident youth from the underground.